This manga follows the story of 7 high school students, 3 boys and 4 girls in year 1 class A. Their not-so-ordinary ways of thinking and everyday lives are loaded with comedy, dirty jokes. At times, debating about how to use a toilet, at other times, risking their lives over growing body hair in unusual places!
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- Action
- Adult
- Adventure
- BL
- Boys love
- Comedy
- Complete
- Cooking
- Crime
- Doujinshi
- Drama
- Ecchi
- Fantasy
- Girls love
- Gossip
- Harem
- Hentai
- Historical
- Horror
- Isekai
- Japanese
- Josei
- Manga
- Manga hentai
- Manhua
- Manhwa
- Martial Arts
- Mature
- Mecha
- Medical
- Mystery
- One shot
- porn comic
- Reincarnation
- Romance
- School life
- Sci-fi
- Seinen
- Shoujo
- Shoujo Ai
- Shounen
- Shounen Ai
- Slice of Life
- Smut
- Sports
- Supernatural
- Thriller
- TL
- Tragedy
- Webtoon
- Webtoons
- Yaoi
- Yuri